COVID 19 Update: 19 August
Please be prepared for longer than 7 days
As you will all be aware Auckland is in level 4 lockdown for at least 7 days. HBH moved to lockdown immediately on hearing the news of a case.
Even though our residents are fully vaccinated now, the Delta strain is highly infectious, and we have to be extra careful. Overseas cases show that vaccinated people can still get sick, but they are less likely to become seriously ill. However, we don’t want anyone, residents or staff, to be infected, so we will be playing it safe.
To that end I want to remind you what we have said during previous lockdowns – aged care services generally stay locked down longer that the general population – this is to be doubly sure there is no resurgence of infection as our residents are very frail and vulnerable.
So, whatever the government announces, please wait for us to let you know when we are open for visiting.
We anticipate that it is highly likely we will be locked down for at least 2 weeks. We will be resuming video calling as soon as we can, so you can stay in touch.
Have you been to any of the locations of interest AND to HBH in last 5 days?
If yes, please let us know.
Please keep an eye on the Ministry of Health COVID website: www.covid19.govt.nz to obtain the updates on places of interest.
Parcels for residents are to go to Hospital entrance please
Reminder that if you are dropping off parcels for residents, including residents of our 139OU retirement village, please drop these outside the Hospital main entrance CLEARLY LABELLED with the resident’s full name and apartment/room number, thank you.
With patience and kindness, we will get through this lockdown, as we have all the others.
Kind regards, Bonnie Robinson, CEO, HBH Senior Living