HBH Senior Living buys Gulf Views Rest Home
Media Release
Monday 17th August 2020.
HBH Senior Living (Howick Baptist Healthcare) has purchased Gulf Views, a boutique Howick rest home established in 1991 by the late Scotch Macdonald in memory of his wife Annette.
The rest home has remained under the ownership of the Macdonald family until now, however with the forthcoming retirement of Nurse Manager, Sue Milton, the family decided it was time to find another provider that could deliver the same high standards of care. As a well-respected provider of aged care services in the Howick community, HBH Senior Living was an ideal fit.
A spokesperson for the Macdonald family said, “The ethos of family and community which has always been the hallmark of Gulf Views was created by our Dad, Scotch, and has been protected and fostered wonderfully by Nurse Manager Sue Milton and her team. With Sue’s decision to take a well-earned retirement, it was time to find a new owner for Gulf Views. We are delighted to entrust Gulf Views to HBH Senior Living. The family approach to care and community that has been in Gulf Views’ past will also be its future.”
Known as a leader in innovative aged care, HBH Senior Living was founded in 1977 and offers independent living apartments, rest home and hospital care and a popular Day Programme. In 2018, they also established Virtual Village East, a social network of connection and support for older people in the East Auckland community.
HBH is also one of the few New Zealand providers of the Eden Alternative, a philosophy of care for older people that aims to overcome the three major problems of aged residential care – loneliness, helplessness and boredom.
“The purchase of Gulf Views is a natural fit,” says HBH Senior Living CEO Bonnie Robinson. “As a values-based organisation, we believe that older people should feel as happy and fulfilled as possible, which is why we aim to provide care services that are excellent, compassionate and responsive.”
HBH Senior Living took possession of Gulf Views on 17 August 2020. HBH Senior Living and Gulf Views will liaise closely to ensure a smooth transition for residents. Almost all staff at Gulf Views will be staying on, with the exception of long-serving Nurse Manager, Sue Milton, who is retiring. A senior Registered Nurse from HBH Senior Living will manage the facility for the time being, with overall responsibility by HBH’s Director of Nursing.
“The Gulf Views name is very well known in Howick and brings with it a great reputation of care, so we will be keen to keep to this high standard,” says Robinson. “Gulf Views will keep its name and will continue to run as the family-friendly home it has always been.”
For more information, please contact:
Bonnie Robinson, CEO, HBH Senior Living
Phone: 09 538 0804
email: Bonnie.Robinson@hbh.org.nz