Step carefully as you go out into the world, Auckland – and remember those who can’t.
I’ve done all the Auckland lockdowns, and a tad more. Working in care services for older people we lock down earlier and come out of it later, in order to better protect our very vulnerable group of clients. So, like the rest of Auckland, I am totally over lockdown and more than ready to enjoy some more freedoms.
But as we all step out into the world a little more, let’s remember those who can’t – and let’s continue to do everything we need to do to protect those who will remain forever vulnerable to COVID-19.
At HBH’s care facilities, all of our staff and nearly all our residents are fully vaccinated. Good job team – I am proud of you all. But, even with vaccination, the people we care for are still more at risk from COVID than others – simply due to their health status and frailty. The vaccination is excellent at protecting everyone, but the science does show it gets slightly less effective the older you are. So for our very old, we still need to take every precaution – including hygiene measures, social distancing, mask wearing, staying home if you are sick and of course, get vaccinated. The fewer cases in the community, the less likely it is to get into a care facility.
Let’s enjoy these new freedoms – goodness knows we deserve them after all our hard mahi. But please step gently, go carefully, and consider those who still need and deserve our protection.
Kia haka, go well and stay safe out there.