COVID-19 Update: A new case of COVID in the rest home
6 August, 2022
Dear family members and friends,
On Friday, 5 August 2022, we discovered through RAT testing, that we have one resident who is Covid positive.
This resident is now being cared for in full- isolation. On Saturday, 6th August 2022 our care team will RAT test all of our residents to ascertain if there is any further spread and will continue with increased surveillance testing (as directed by the MOH) for the next seven days. At this stage we believe the risk of cross infection is relatively low, however, if we do have an increase in Covid cases we may look to lock down the Rest Home Community.
We will keep you updated on any changes.
In the interim, visiting within the Rest Home will remain open under the following protocols:
We will still allow visitors, however you must visit your family member/friend in their room (not common areas) and we ask that you do not take them out on outings.
This will be for 3 days until we have ascertained that no one else has been infected by Covid-19 or is at risk.
A reminder to please wear your mask at all times during your visit and to RAT test prior to entering our Rest Home Community.
If you or anyone you have been in contact with anyone who has had any cold or flu like symptoms within the last 10-12 days, please refrain from visiting your loved one, friend or whanau.
Thank you for your ongoing co-operation and understanding.
Keep well and stay safe
Kind regards
Bonnie Robinson – CEO