COVID-19 Update: Changes at HBH with the end of the traffic light system
19 September, 2022
Dear Families and Residents
Changes at HBH with the ending of the Covid traffic light system
As you are aware the government removed the Covid traffic light system last week.
For residents and visitors to HBH there are very few changes to our current protocols.
Mask wearing remains compulsory in aged residential care services.
We are now allowing you to use common areas for visiting, i.e. lounges, as long as you remain masked.
Revised Visiting Rules
- Visiting hours are 10am to 4pm.
- We advise RAT testing prior to visiting but will not be checking this.
- Please ensure you RAT test if you have travelled internationally within the past 7 days, or know you have been exposed to Covid-19
- If you have any symptoms at all – do not visit until you are well. This includes colds/flu/tummy bugs not just Covid-19.
- Sign in on arrival at the kiosk and sign out when leaving.
- Sanitise your hands.
- Wear a surgical level mask (ie the blue paper ones) or an N95. Please NO cloth masks as they do not provide enough protection.
- You may use common areas, eg, lounges for visiting if you wish to do so but please wear a mask.
- If you are taking a resident out please continue to be careful and avoid highly crowded places. We suggest you continue to wear masks while out.
We will stop weekly RAT tests for residents this week. Testing from now on will be case by case. If you have symptoms please let us know so we can RAT test.
Day Programme
We will RAT test all clients once per week, plus occasional extra surveillance testing to ensure we are not missing any non-symptomatic cases.
If you have any symptoms please do not attend Day Programme.
Please note: If there is a sudden spike in Covid numbers in the community we may change our visiting protocols at very short notice. We will always endeavour to communicate this to you ASAP.
Thank you for continuing to do all you can to keep our residents/clients safe and well. Covid is still around, and as we know, can be serious for older people, so please do continue to be careful and take all reasonable precautions.
Kind regards
Bonnie Robinson – CEO