COVID-19 Update: Change to visiting processes
8 June, 2022
Dear family members and friends,
This is to inform you of a few changes to our visiting process at HBH, as of Monday, 27 June 2022.
The main change is that we will no longer be staffing the door at HBH. Please know your loved one’s safety is always at the forefront of our minds in our decision making, and therefore most of our other visiting safety measures remain in place.
Here is how visiting will work as of Monday, 27 June 2022:
- Visiting will remain at the current restricted times, which are 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
- All HBH doors will be open during these visiting times, i.e. Hospital, Rest Home and basement doors
- We still require all visitors to RAT at home before you visit. There will be no one to check your RAT test at the door, but we will be doing spot checks, so please continue to bring your dated RAT test or dated photo of your test with you.
- If you forget to RAT at home, please ask for a RAT test at reception and return to your car or go outside to do the test before coming in to visiting.
- You will need to sign in and out via our touch pad kiosks which will be stationed at all three entrances – many of you have already done this and have a QR code to scan with. If you have not done this before, the touch pad kiosk will guide you. It is important that you sign in and out as this is also a record of who is in the building i.e. in case of a fire
- Mask wearing is compulsory AT ALL TIMES including in residents rooms – staff will ask you to leave if you are not wearing a mask
- We will only accept the official Ministry of Health mask wearing exemption. If you do not have this, you must wear a mask.
- Visits continue to be in the resident’s rooms or outside.
- Outings can continue – remember to phone the community where your resident lives at least 24 hours prior so they can ensure your resident is ready.
As soon as we get a positive COVID case in one of the communities, visiting will more than likely change unexpectedly. Keep a look out for communications around this, but also please understand if you arrive to visit and we have had to lockdown without notice.
The balance between opening up to ensure regular visiting and keeping COVID out is a delicate one. When we collectively work together the risk is greatly reduced, thank you for working together with us!
Bonnie Robinson