COVID-19 Update: 139 on Union
12 August 2020: A letter from Bonnie Robinson, CEO to 139 on Union Residents and Family Members
Dear 139 on Union Residents and Family Members
We are in Lockdown
As you are aware last night the government put Auckland into Level 3 due to 4 new cases of community transmission in Auckland.
Today, the government ordered all care facilities to go into total lockdown, and most retirement villages are doing the same. This is to protect you as we know that older people are much more vulnerable to Covid-19 than other age groups.
This means that effective immediately:
- No visitors to 139 on Union – your relatives and friends from outside the village cannot visit you in person.
- Please do not go out into the community yourself unless it is essential, for example essential medical care.
- Do not go out to visit friends or family. 139 on Union is your bubble.
- If at all possible, get friends and family to do your grocery shopping for you so that you do not have to go to the supermarket. If you are having difficulty getting shopping done please phone reception 538 0800 and we will do our best to assist.
- There is NO visiting to the Rest Home or Hospital.
- Day Programme is cancelled.
Home support services can continue
If you receive help with home support – e.g. showering, medication, housework please contact your provider to see whether this will continue. These are the only outside visitors who may enter.
If you receive support from HBH, e.g. medication, this will continue.
Deliveries of groceries or other items to 139 on Union front door
At the moment we are OK with deliveries being delivered to the front door. You will need to tell people to push the button for your apartment so you can receive the items. The delivery person/family member CAN NOT enter the apartments. Please respect this. If it is not respected, we may have to change the system.
Sit down meals in the dining room are cancelled for now. If you booked for today, we will contact you to see if you would like delivery to your apartment.
Meals delivered to your apartment will continue to be available. Book via reception 538 0800.
Frozen meals are available in the freezer in the kitchen.
Happy Hour and Activities
These will only be available for you if you do NOT go out into the community. You will need to choose between going out and taking part in activities. Again, please respect this. If we find people are going out and then circulating amongst others in 139 on Union, we may need to cut activities.
Happy Hour will take place tonight but in two rooms and a maximum of 8 people per room. You must keep 1 metre distant between yourself and anyone else at all times. Social distancing.
Lorraine LeRoux our Day Programme Team Leader will be arranging some activities and will let you know what is happening once things are planned.
The government has suggested, and it may become mandatory, to wear a mask when out in the community in places where it might be difficult to socially distance, for example on public transport or in supermarket.
- You DO NOT need to wear a mask while in your apartment or other parts of 139 on union (as long as you are keeping 1 metre apart from other residents).
- Masks can be made of material or coated paper (that is bought surgical masks). DO NOT make a mask of a plastic bag as you could suffocate yourself if it slipped.
- Material masks can be washed (on hot wash) and reused. Paper masks are one use only.
- If you do not have any masks don’t panic, you don’t need them immediately. Ask your family to purchase some for you, or you can make your own from fabric/a bandana or scarf.
Can I leave 139 on Union and stay elsewhere/with family?
You can leave and go stay elsewhere, however please note that if you do, we may not be able to guarantee when you can return. Depending on what is happening with community transmission if you return you may have to isolate in your apartment for 14 days and two negative Covid-19 tests. If you do leave to stay elsewhere you MUST let us know beforehand and you MUST let us know BEFORE you plan to return.
How long will we be in lockdown?
We do not know. Please maintain lockdown rules until further notice. As soon as we know more we will let you know.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation. Together and with patience we will get through this safe and well.
Bonnie Robinson, CEO