COVID-19 Update: 5 Oct 2020 – Level 1 Announcement
Dear Relatives and Residents
The PM announced that Auckland will go to Level 1 on Thursday, 8 October 2020. This means that we can return to ‘life as normal’ with a few exceptions – since Covid-19 is still around.
So, from THURSDAY 8th October 2020:
- Relatives and friends may visit at any time with the following exceptions:
- Do not visit between 12 midday-1:30pm and 5pm-5:30pm – residents have said they prefer not to be disturbed during their meals and many nap after lunch
- Please wear a mask during your visit, especially in the corridors. A mask does add some protection if you are sick but do not yet know it. Our staff will be masking for personal care duties but not when they are doing general duties. This is because we can monitor our staff’s health/situation, whereas we are not able to monitor our visitor’s health as easily.
- When you arrive for your visit you must:
- Use the QR Code to sign in on your phone (or paper record) – this is for your own records
- Sign in on the register (tablet or paper)– this is for our records
It is very important that you do this as these records will be used for contact tracing if there is an outbreak. - Sanitise your hands when you arrive and depart
- •Residents who can go out of the facility, but please do not visit very crowded places, and observe excellent hygiene and social distancing.
Day Programme under Level 1
- Can fully resume
- Masks need to continue to be worn by clients in the bus – this provides protection if anyone is unwell but does not yet have symptoms. Temperature checks will continue prior to getting on the bus.
- Masks must be worn by clients and their family as you enter and exit the facility – again this provides protection if anyone is unwell but does not yet know they are
Please contact Lorraine Le Roux Team Leader if you have questions – contact number is: 09 538 0809.
Respite Care
- Can now be booked
- The Covid-19 assessment form still needs to be completed
- No Covid-19 test is required but we reserve the right to ask for one if the assessment form or other information/circumstances suggests this is advisable
Please Contact Jenny Moore for any bookings or questions – contact number is: 09 538 0803.
- Our volunteer programmes can start again.
Hair Salon
- Will start again as normal from NEXT week (Monday, 12th October 2020)
Thank you all for your patience during Level 3 and 2. Remember Level 2 restricted visiting is STILL IN PLACE until THURSDAY.
Yours sincerely
Bonnie Robinson,
CEO, HBH Senior Living