COVID-19 Update: Mothers Day visiting
Dear families and friends of our residents
This is to let you know that for this week we are extending our visiting hours to include Sunday so that family can visit for Mother’s Day.
Please read this carefully for instructions – they are slightly different for each of our sites:
For HBH Howick – Rest Home and Hospital
Please book via the web portal, click here. It will have slots available on Sunday. There will be some more slots available to allow for more people.
For Gulf Views, Gracedale and Shalom Court
Please contact us directly to book your visiting slot:
Email: admin@gracedale.co.nz
Gulf Views
Email: Anne.Kirkbride@gulfviews.co.nz by 12noon Friday, 6 May 2022
Shalom Court
Email: office@shalomcourt.co.nz
Phone: 09 528 3975
Please RAT test before you arrive to visit
Due to a larger number of visitors on Sunday than usual we ask that you please RAT test at home before you come and visit. Bring a time and date stamped photo or the actual RAT with you to show at the door. If you are unable to RAT test at home, we will provide them but please note that you may have to wait in a queue for this.
Please be patient if there is a queue at the door for checking. Staff are doing the best they can.
Please arrive on time – not early or late for your booked time. When visitors come early or late it creates congestion at the reception area. So please plan to be on time. If you need a RAT you can arrive 15 minutes prior to your time but no earlier please.
Visiting rules remain the same:
- 2 visitors at a time (or up to 2 fully vaccinated children can accompany an adult to make up these numbers- this would be a maximum of three visitors)
- You must be fully vaccinated
- Please wear a mask at all times during your visit – this means no eating or drinking for the duration of your visit
- Visit only in the residents room
- Keep the room ventilated
- Visits are for 30 minutes
Unvaccinated visitors:
- For HBH – please book via the booking portal but then phone the RN in charge of the community to arrange for a supervised RAT test and PPE gear to be provided
- For Gulf Views, Gracedale and Shalom Court – please phone to arrange a visit and get instructions.
Staff will be making sure every resident, whether they have a visit or not, has a joyful Mother’s Day with festivities taking place throughout the later part of this week and the weekend.
Bonnie Robinson – CEO